Terms of Use

Welcome to our note-taking app! By downloading or using our app, you agree to the following terms, so please read them carefully.

Usage Guidelines

You are granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use our app. However, you must not:

  • Copy, modify, or create derivative works of the app or any part of it.
  • Attempt to extract the source code or reverse engineer the app.
  • Translate the app into other languages without permission.
  • Use our trademarks without authorization.

All intellectual property rights in the app, including trademarks, copyrights, and database rights, belong to us.

App Functionality

We strive to make our app as efficient as possible, which means we may update the app or introduce charges for certain services. Any changes, especially those involving fees, will be communicated clearly to you.

Data Handling

Our app processes personal data you provide to ensure the delivery of our services. Its crucial to protect your device and app access. We advise against jailbreaking or rooting your device, as it may expose you to security risks and affect the apps functionality.

Connectivity and Charges

The app requires an active internet connection. We are not responsible for the apps reduced functionality due to lack of Wi-Fi or data allowance. Any data or third-party charges incurred by using the app are your responsibility, including roaming charges when used abroad. If youre not the bill payer, please get their permission before using the app.

Device Management

You are responsible for keeping your device charged. We cannot be held accountable if the devices battery runs out and youre unable to use the service.

Third-Party Reliance

While we aim to provide accurate and up-to-date information, we rely on third parties for some data. We accept no liability for any loss you suffer due to reliance on the apps functionality.

Updates and Termination

We may update the app, and youll need to download these to continue using it. The app is designed for iOS, and compatibility requirements may change. We may also discontinue the app at any time without notice. Upon termination, you must stop using and delete the app from your device.

Changes to Terms of Use

We may modify these terms, so please review them periodically. Changes will be posted on this page and are effective upon posting.

Contact Information

For questions or suggestions about these terms, please contact us at [email protected].

These terms are effective as of 2023-11-03.