Privacy Policy

Hello there! Thanks for using Brain Dump, the note-taking app that respects your privacy. We`ve made our privacy policy super straightforward so you know exactly how we handle your info. Here`s the deal:

Signing In:

We use *Sign in with Apple* to keep things secure and simple. Apple shares just enough with us to make sure you get the right service, like checking if you`ve got a subscription.


When you pay for our app, we use Apple and Stripe. They might collect some details to process your payment and keep things legal.

Rewriting Notes:

If you use our rewrite feature, we send your notes to OpenAI or Microsoft. But don`t worry, they have their own privacy rules to protect your info. We only keep your notes while they`re being rewritten – they`re never stored after that. We do keep some basic info (like how many words we processed) to make our service better for you.


Our website might use cookies (tiny data files) to work better. You can choose to accept or not accept these cookies. If you don`t, some parts of the website might not work as well.

Your Info:

We don`t collect personal info unless we really need it (like your email for your account).

If the app crashes, we might collect data to fix the problem, but that`s it.

Safety First:

We do our best to keep your info safe, but remember, no system is 100% secure.

Other Websites:

Our app might have links to other websites. We`re not in charge of those sites, so check out their privacy policies if you visit them.

Kids` Privacy:

We don`t collect info from kids on purpose. If you`re under 16, get your parent or guardian`s okay before using our app.

Updates to This Policy:

We might change this policy sometimes. Check this page once in a while to stay updated. We`ll let you know about any big changes.


If you`ve got any questions or ideas about our privacy policy, shoot us an email at [email protected].

That`s it! We hope you enjoy using Brain Dump with peace of mind knowing your privacy is a top priority for us.